Lightning is one of the most beautiful displays in nature. It is also one of the most deadly natural phenomena known to man. With bolt temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun and shockwaves beaming out in all directions, lightning is a lesson in physical science and humility.
Beautiful display = deadly phenomena.
Still, can't think of too many things I'd rather do than watch a good light show. Whether it spreads across the night sky like a huge flashlight, sends out "spider veins", makes a direct vertical hit, or does the occasional upside down or swirly strike, to me, it is one of God's most incredible masterpieces. It is especially exciting to watch over a body of water in the darkest of skies. Not too many people appreciate this deadly phenom, but the beautiful display is worth the risk, especially if someone else is with you to take the hit. J/K.
I'm not really interested in all the physical science part of lightning. I do feel humbled everytime I witness God's majesty and power in this incredible display of His creation. Wouldn't it be cool if since you can see the same stars from different states, you could still see the light shows that way too?
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13 years ago